Fisher Lake is a natural lake formation located in Polk County, Iowa. The outline shows the natural formation lines of Fisher Lake.

Historical Map Showing Fisher Lake 1902

Fisher Lake is an Ancestral Natural Lake and Wetland Formation located in the heart of Polk County, Iowa. Its existence has been documented back to the 1800’s. It is the last known natural lake in Polk County. Fisher Lake was once a vibrant natural lake and wetland teeming with local and migratory birds, turtles, and wildlife native to Iowa, (including endangered species).

The wildlife in this area is struggling to survive! Sadly, the lake is now completely dry. The fish are gone and now the entire natural ecosystem is floundering. Why? Because the water in Fisher Lake has been replaced with runoff soil and sediment that has been diverted into it by the ongoing development in Polk County for the past 150 years! 

Unfortunately many animals are killed each year because they now have to cross 5 lanes of traffic in search of water. To make things worse, during a drought season as things are drying up, wildlife is now forced to find water and leave the area completely. The road becomes littered with dead animals that have been run over by cars. Due to this, locals have named the area, “Road Kill Alley”. 

Fisher Lake is currently dried up, as the satellite picture above shows. That is a major problem for the area wildlife – we need to remove the silt ASAP!

The effect from uncontrolled erosion and water from ongoing area developments have been devastating to the lake and wildlife. Fisher Lake is now full of dirt, sand, and contaminants directed from new residential neighborhoods, commercial developments, farm run off, ditches and road drainage pipes.

It’s just that simple. Wildlife depends on water to survive. You take it away and they perish. Let’s do the right thing for the area and restore Fisher Lake together. What a beautiful sight to see for everyone in the area to enjoy for generations to come! 


    The image below shows our strategy to remove the dirt and silt from Fisher Lake.

    We will take the material to the East onto the adjoining field. This plan not only cuts down on costs and the time it will take to complete the project. It also reduces the impact on local transportation and the carbon footprint.

    Fisher Lake shown with water in it – This photo is from many years ago.
    Our goal is to have water back in Fisher Lake!

Save The Habitat – Restore Fisher Lake – Save Animals

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